Friday, January 29, 2010

What is the Sustainabilty Declaration and what does it mean?

From 1 January 2010, a sustainability declaration must be completed when a house, townhouse or unit is marketed or offered for sale.  

What is a sustainability declaration? 

A sustainability declaration is a compulsory checklist that must be completed by the seller when selling a house, 
townhouse (class 1a building) or unit (class 2 building) from 1 January 2010. The declaration will inform buyers about 
the sustainability features of a property and increase community awareness of the value of such features. The declaration
identifies the dwelling’s sustainability features in four key areas:    
• energy 
• water 
• access        
• safety. 

Why is the sustainability declaration being introduced? 

There is growing concern about the impacts of climate change and the need to improve the sustainability performance of existing housing in Queensland. Encouraging prospective buyers to make informed choices about the sustainability performance of residential buildings is becoming increasingly important. Properties with a greater number of sustainability features potentially have lower energy costs and use less water. They can also be more comfortable to live in and generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions. 

Homes with access and safety features may be more liveable for occupants during their various life stages and can reduce potential  risks around the home such as trips and falls. The declaration aims to increase awareness of sustainable housing features when a property is marketed for sale. It also promotes possible ongoing financial and specific features. It is anticipated that the declaration will help promote the sustainability of a home and become a key marketing tool for real estate agents and private sellers. 

Click here to view the full factsheet

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  1. Hi David, do you think this declaration is irrelevant if the home seller does not have to answer a question if they don't know the answer?
    A web site where you can have your say and get all the info

  2. Hi John, Thanks for your comments. Yes I agree, it is difficult when the home seller is unable to answer some of the questions. However, as per current legislation, the form still must be completed and advertised by us.

    If you have any more questions, I would be more than happy to answer them for you. Just email me directly at

