Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Real Estate comment ...

Sales are being made – buyers have not gone away. 

"A Tumultuous year" would be our best description of 2010. The continuing financial crisis, ridiculous charges for utilities (water, power, petrol, food costs) have contributed to more market uncertainty and wanning confidence for many. The election fiasco and ending the subsidised home grant all contributed.


It’s always these canny buyers who make big returns from residential homes over the long term. They will lead the next boom with capital gains and low payments, the stuff from which great stories start.  Interest rates have never been so low for so long. We believe those that lock in rates now will not only sleep well but be well placed as rates continue to rise to pay mounting governmental debt on all levels. It really is time to eliminate one tier of government, as we simply can’t afford to continue to shovel money into these bottomless pits. Governments on all levels need to re-address theIR roles, basically to provide utilities, health, security and education at the lowest price possible. All other areas of focus are no more than fanciful political diversions.

Local Buyers will find the task of finding the right homes a lot easier on our award winning website which is updated daily. Everything listed is really available correctly priced with all contracted homes marked accordingly and removed when settled.

The local market is certainly over supplied at the moment or is it? Within 5kms of Strathpine there are 1200 homes listed for sale, with only 15/20 selling each week. Add to this 100 new listings each week and the buyer absorption rate blowing is out to almost two years supply. That’s the bad news…

The good news is that  less than 15/20% of homes listed represent buyer value, and they are obtaining significant inspections, offers and selling. Make no mistake there plenty of buyers for well-priced well presented homes. We have 500 active buyers registered with our team, now.

Many sellers are chasing prices that were obtainable last year but are overpriced today by generally 10/20%. It is a very tough decision to loose money from the original purchase price but sometimes the early loss is the best. If nothing else the share market has taught us that.

This is a market for high negotiation skills and determination by sales people. The weak ill-informed will not be around next year to talk up listing prices to dream levels, over promise and under deliver. The team at our office has been training for ten years to handle a market like this and are ready to get sellers sold. Our record and figures speak for themselves. 

Finally thankyou to the thousands of sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants who have selected the team at David Deane real estate to complete their real estate transactions over the 2010. So many of you have given us glowing references which we are very proud to receive, thank you.

2011 sees us open the first ever purpose built real estate showroom on the northside of Brisbane. It provides excellent facilities for clients and staff never before seen. We see our move as the launch pad for amazing client service and results to delight both sellers and landlords. Please feel free to call in for a look around and a coffee. Seasons greetings from all our team may we all spare a thought for those families doing it tough along with our forces overseas.

David K Deane

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