Friday, April 29, 2011

Interest rate rise threats

What on earth is wrong with our economists? They are claiming the need for increased rates to combat higher than expected inflation.
Why didn't they expect higher inflation? Higher costs are blatantly obvious to every household along with a poorer standard of living, that's real! Inflation has been caused in the large part to reckless utility increases which have occurred because the greedy hand of government just takes more and more. Why? to waste on pet projects that no-one asked for and no-one wants.
Lets be clear the cost of fuel and food increases has not been caused by any run away demand. The demand if anything is dropping with our standard of living. These increases have been thrust upon us via poor statesmanship.
Its time every politician and local government representative got it through their heads, we have had enough of the greed grab. Its gone and they better start to perform or they will thrown out as well they should be.

Don't focus on interest rates - focus on HOW we can lower power, water, fuel, rates and food costs to a world parity level such as we had three years ago.

Its not the GFC fault- its poor leadership and grandiose waste. I believe we have all had enough.

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